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[GQY]∎ Read Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books

Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books

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Download PDF Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books

Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books

What a disappointment! Blood Song is one of my favorite books ever, and I waited impatiently for the sequel for almost two years. Sadly, Tower Lord fell far short of my expectations. I had a very difficult time finishing the book. Equally dividing the story among four characters made it hard to follow any one story line as it switched back and forth, and I thought the character development was lacking on Reva. Vaelin played a relatively minor role in this book, and was just a shadow of the person he was in Blood Song. Things simply dragged. I can see where Mr. Ryan is going with this story, but I'm sorry to say I'm not sure if I want to continue the journey with him.

Read Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books

Tags : Tower Lord (A Raven's Shadow Novel) [Anthony Ryan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>In Blood Song</i>, Anthony Ryan introduced readers to “a fascinating world of conflicting religions and the wars fought in the name of those faiths” ( Library Journal</i>). Now Ryan’s epic tale continues as Vaelin Al Sorna discovers that there is no escape from the call of destiny…</b>   “The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune,Anthony Ryan,Tower Lord (A Raven's Shadow Novel),Ace,0425265625,Fantasy - Epic,FICTION Fantasy Epic.,FICTION Fantasy General.,Fantasy fiction.,ENGLISH SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Fantasy,Fantasy - General,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Epic,Fiction Fantasy General,Fiction Political,Fiction War & Military,Fiction-Fantasy,FictionFantasy - Epic,FictionLiterary,GENERAL,General Adult,Literary,Monograph Series, any,United States,bisacsh

Tower Lord A Raven Shadow Novel Anthony Ryan 9780425265628 Books Reviews

I can't believe this book. It's as if another author took the place of the writer of Blood Song. I'm a third of the way through the book and it's so confusing. I know that a change and character build up is always the way series are written, but this is to many people, too many stories and the writing does not seem as skilled as the last book. I really wanted to ignore the other reviews and give this a chance but sadly it doesn't hold my interest.
I feel a bit let down after the brilliance of Anthony Ryan's debut novel, Blood Song. Tower Lord follows four POVs (Vaelin, Frentis, Lyrna, and a new character, Reva), and had so many supporting characters, I had trouble keeping them all straight (even with the appendix in the back). The pacing was incredibly slow in the first third, and it was difficult both remembering everyone and staying interested.

Once the pacing picked up, it became an easier read. Surprisingly, I think I liked Lyrna best of all. Vaelin was, of course, a consistently admirable character. But overall, Tower Lord was a a disappointing and disjointed follow-up to Blood Song.
5 years after the events of book one we come back to the same cool interesting world. Some things have changes, most importantly the protagonists, while book 1 was all Vaelin, we now have multiple PoV's Game of Throne's style. Plot wise we have a serious war this time. The kingdom gets invaded by the evil slaver empire. The books is different from the first, but still very worth checking out, the overall world arch is also further shown, and turns out to be quite an interesting concept. Characters stay layered and complex so no cardboard cutouts even on the evil side.

P.S. Bonus points for actual plot resolution and no annoying cliffhangers
It begins very slowly and too much time is spent following characters who never really make a difference to the story. If I had not loved the first book in the series I probably would have stopped reading this one within the first 20% of the book. As it was I kept wondering when the book would become interesting and when any character would do something to engage or entertain me. I'm still wondering. It was nice to see some of the characters from the first book, but it would have been nicer if they had done something interesting. Much of the conflict in the first book was Valin trying to balance the competing interests of doing right by his comrades, his order, his king, his conscience, the memory of his mother, and his own desires. There is no internal conflict in this story, other than the initial superficial conflict Reva experiences. Characters have clear desires and move toward their goals mindlessly. In the first book the Princess is everyone's favorite villain, although much like Janus she does have the interests of the realm at heart. In this book she is another robotic hero moving relentless towards her goals with none of the underhanded scheming and complex manipulation which filled book one. I'll still read the third book, but it won't be nearly as hard to wait for it to be published.
Well if there is one thing I can say about the sequel to Blood Song it would be, DIFFERENT! Tower Lord was so different to the point that I though I was reading a completely different series. Not that any of that is a bad thing, in some ways it actually made the series and this book more enjoyable then the first!
Tower Lord picks up 5 years after Blood Song ends and that is really all I can say without spoiling this book since it is a sequel. What I can tell you is we continue to follow the story of Vaelin Al Sorna, however this book now follows multiple perspectives and not just one. This was by far the biggest change from Blood Song and one I enjoyed very much. Even though I do love my single perspective stories and Vaelin is an amazing protagonist. I can tell you that we follow 4 characters in total Vaelin, Lyrna from the first book, Reva who is newly introduced to this book, and one other returning character who I cannot mention because hello spoilers.
Of the 4 perspectives we follow Reva and said character I shall not mention were by far the most entertaining to read from. Reva is this tough and strong willed female character whose story is quite emotional and powerful. Anytime there was a Reva chapter I literally perked up. Now said character I cannot mention's story was heart wrenching. There were so many feelings going through my head while reading from their two perspectives. Lyrna was never boring but her chapters were definitely the more political side of the story. Vaelin, oh Vaelin, his chapters to me were a let down. He went from being one of my favorite characters from the first book and I just feel like his chapters didn't really do much to push the story forward. I still love his character though. He has got such a strong head on him. Definitely not one of those meat headed male characters in some series out in the world.
Tower Lord's story is leaps and bounds better then Blood Song!! That is where this book does it for me. It has just the right amount of action and politics that is right for me! Also with Tower Lord we start to dive a little more deeper into the magic system in this world. We kind of got a hint of it in Blood Song but we do learn more about it here. The magic in the Raven's Shadow series are known as Gifts and only certain people in the world are known as Gifted. If you are Gifted then you are looked at in a poorly manner of someone touched by the dark and who the Faith has abandoned. I hope we get to discover more of the magic system in the final book because it is fairly fascinating.
I think I will leave my review at that, on to the final book, Queen of Fire!!
What a disappointment! Blood Song is one of my favorite books ever, and I waited impatiently for the sequel for almost two years. Sadly, Tower Lord fell far short of my expectations. I had a very difficult time finishing the book. Equally dividing the story among four characters made it hard to follow any one story line as it switched back and forth, and I thought the character development was lacking on Reva. Vaelin played a relatively minor role in this book, and was just a shadow of the person he was in Blood Song. Things simply dragged. I can see where Mr. Ryan is going with this story, but I'm sorry to say I'm not sure if I want to continue the journey with him.
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